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Индийская школа РЕЙКИ

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«RELEASE FROM FEARS» Print edition.

«RELEASE  FROM FEARS»  Print edition.

Х49 Harpreet Singh Heera. «RELEASE FROM FEARS» - Kharkiv: «Planeta-Print» Publishing House, 2017. – 102 pp.

Our life shines in different colours. While mapping out plans, somewhere there a subconscious thought arises, "and what if it does not work"... It's bothering to go through life, to achieve success in business, in relationships, in building personal life. It's a feeling of uncertainty, doubt, fear. But it is known that only bold and desperate people achieve success in their lives. What prevents to be confident and how to get rid of feeling fear and tremble? You will find answers on these and many other questions in the latest book by Dr. Harpreet Singh Heera. The book gives practical advice and meditation, reveals the secrets of achieving confidence and stability in life. Aimed at non-specialist audience.

235 грн
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